Sunday, October 18, 2015


Life cannot be captured in a picture.
So why do we take so many pictures in life to try and explain it?
Why do we create memories that are life changing or breath taking, but can't seem to connect with them unless we have physical proof?
A picture.
Why can't we just remember them?
Did they not mean enough?
Were they not as important?
What makes a memory have greater value over another?
Can't we all agree that watching a 3 year old slip on ice is a lesson learned to be more careful around things we don't understand?
Even tho that 3 year old remembers a lesson learned not to step on that cold white stuff.
How we choose to remember something is what makes it important.
How we remember that experience is what gives it value;
And how we reflect on that experience, or memory is what makes it have great or little value.


  1. "Why can't we just remember them?"

  2. You know I like your writing? And this might be my favorite thing you've written

    1. Thank you so much! And sweet I'm glad you like it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "How we remember that experience is what gives it value"

    woahh, never thought of it like that.
