Sunday, October 25, 2015


When I see people I ask them how they are and respond with I'm good too.
Even tho sometimes I'm really not.
People see me in the hallways with a smile on my face trying to talk to anyone I make eye contact with.
To tell the truth tho, sometimes I don't feel like talking.
If I'm at a party you better believe I'm going hard.
Although sometimes I really wish I hadn't.
I really love sports and played a lot growing up, but never kept with any.
And sometimes I wish I had.
I think about all the things that I've done and all the good from those decisions. 
But sometimes I think about what might happen if I didn't make those decisions, and if they'd be better.
I try and be as happy as can be and look at everything in a positive way.
And sometimes it would be really easy to focus on the negative.
I wish I could tell everyone how I really feel all the time.
Sometimes it's just easier to keep it in.
Society thinks that people with successful lives tend to be more happy.
Yet sometimes those people wish they were able to disappear.
And sometimes they do.
Well I'm not that successful, and I feel like I'm a fairly happy person.
But sometimes, I don't want to go outside.